...she stopped in the middle of the raging blizzard and turned her head like she
was trying to pierce the gust with her glance. Closer examination would have revealed that assumption to be wrong though because
a bloody bandage covered her eyes. A bandage which she couldn't see through even if she still would have had eyes. No, she
didn't try to see, she tried to hear. To hear sounds that possibly could have been carried through the wind. Shortly she continued
her journey, her groping, stumbling and exhausted walking. Where she was going? Even she herself didn't know that. She didn't
even know was it day or night and how long she was continued this dark wandering of hers. She only knew that it felt like
an eternity would have passed since she was captured, interrogated and when she refused to talk, her eyes were... She moaned
silently as the memory brought the pain back. Yes, her torturers haven't let her go by mercy. No, they have had fun watching
her stumbling away wounded and blind. Alone and helpless against the dangers of this cold land. And she had gone. Well knowing
that she wouldn't make it... Suddenly she heard a faint sound. That sound she had tried to hear earlier. So they were there
still. It couldn't be otherwise. She knew she was a pitifull sight but those who followed her trail didn't know any pity.
She would not have the luxury of an easy death. No, her end would be horrible and painfull. Suddenly she rised her face towards
the sky and whispered silently. 'Let it be quick.' Then she turned and continued her uncertain walk to the darknes and behind
her the wolves, like black shadows, followed...